Victory speech and commemoration of the victims*

Classification in categories

  • Transition between two social systems
  • Battle and technology
  • Suffering / victim / sacrifice


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Movie: Gung Ho!*
Number: 17
Individual analysis: Gung Ho!*
Timecode start: 01:18:15:08
Timecode end: 01:22:29:24
Year of origin: 1943

In the interplay of at first camera and sound design and then shot composition and sound design an image of triumph is staged—and directly integrated into an appeal.

In the film’s dramaturgical structure this scene follows the reverberation of the final, victorious battle (> "Departure and evacuation"). It follows this scene with, in the beginning, an image of triumph created through the complex interlocking of four phases. A melodramatic moment of intimacy that focuses on one soldier’s sacrifice and readiness for battle is directly connected to the final realization of triumph as a metered series of audiovisual punctuation. At the same time, the montage of a “race” acts as a parentheses  for these two phases and connects the image of triumph to a figuration of tension (> EMU 1).

This moment of triumph transitions directly to a—now supported mostly on the level of shot composition—audiovisual appeal, at the center of which is a speech aimed directly at the viewers, whose plea is closely connected to the temporal structure of the music (> EMU 2). The linking of readiness to sacrifice and triumph by the way this unit is staged is given exemplary meaning in its expressive dimension; meaning that is connected to the quality of a plea found in the speech.    JHB

Expressive movement units

01 02 

Materials about the scene

    Position of scene in film


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