Expressive movement unit 1

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Movie: Sahara*
Scene: Salvation and commemoration*
Number: 01
Individual analysis: Sahara*
Timecode start: 01:31:11:09
Timecode end: 01:32:12:18
Year of origin: 1943

The interplay of shot composition, sound design and camera stages an image of joyful camaraderie in three phases.

A movement of coming closer and merging unfolds in the interlocking of the dimension of movement along a vector within the frame, editing and musical development. This movement is completed in three phases; their temporal segmentation is tied to changes on the level of sound design.

Phase 1: The scale of the moving objects in comparison with the flatness of the landscape on the one hand and the highlighting of the horizon by means of a slight low-angle shot create a figuration of vast, open space. At the same time, using the shot/reverse shot technique, two disparate visual spaces are juxtaposed. This opposition forms an image of two powers striving to meet through the vectors of movement of the two streams of soldiers in the shot’s foreground. This purposeful approach is accompanied by triumphant strings and brass instruments in the middle range. A final series of medium close-ups gives the abstract movements a face.
Phase 2: In a long shot both streams of soldiers are now encompassed within a common visual space. A the same time the music changes to a higher-pitched string melody.
Phase 3: The merging and dissolution of the two streams of soldiers is shown as a meeting of soldierly bodies, staged in a flowing series of ever closer framing from a long shot to a medium close up and finally a close-up. At the same time, the music is replaced by a crescendo of soldiers’ voices.

In this way an image of joyful camaraderie is created through the connection of a) two movements along a vector within the frame, b) a movement of approach staged as a series of ever smaller camera ranges and c) an acoustic-sensory figuration of togetherness.

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